Return / Cancellation

30-Day Money Back Guarantee:
You may return any item in its original condition for a full refund within 30 days of receipt of your shipment, less shipping charges. It typically takes us approximately 3-5 business days to process a credit back to your account and 2-3 business days for the credit to appear on your account.

Replacing Defective Part:
If a part is defective, we will replace it 100% FREE.

Return & Cancellation Policy:
You can return or cancel your order by contacting our customer service desk. Note all returns and cancellations require a prior authorization.

All returns and cancellations may be subject to shipping charges, unless caused by our error or cancelled by the customer prior to shipping. No returns without prior authorization from the Supplier (see Contact Us page). You need to contact a customer service representative to arrange for a Return Merchandise Authorization form

It is company policy that we receive the original auto part back before sending you a replacement auto part. The original auto part must be returned using the provided shipping label. The shipping cost for both the original and the replacement auto part is a cost attributed to the shipper at hand. Note, if these auto parts are not shipped back to the supplier within 30 days of the delivery date of the replacement part, the buyer's credit card is subject to a recharge for the initial cost of the original auto part (minus the initial shipping cost) If you have any questions about the shipping back of the original part, please contact customer service team Or email

-Some of our units (used engine, transmission, axle, etc.) may come with wear parts and accessories but are not guaranteed in the sale. They will need to be replaced before installation. Common items that are not guaranteed include but not limited too nuts, bolts, links, seals, bushings, ball joints, brackets, bezels, wiring, cables, sensors and other applicable items depending on the part. If they are not serviceable, such as a pressed-in ball joint, they will be guaranteed.
-We cannot guarantee color on any part we sell. The purchased item may need to be repainted, refinished, or reupholstered for proper color match.